Coaches, consultants & service-providers

Get the free 6-step template

to write web copy that sells

If writing from a blank page feels overwhelming. ChatGPT just gives you the same old blandness.

And copywriters quote you £1000s you just don’t have...

This strategic, example-filled, jargon-free web copy template is for you, my friend.

It holds your hand as you write (or rewrite) your homepage...the proven, conversion copywriter way.

So you can stop searching for the right words. Create a website you're proud to share.

And get excited new leads clamouring to click 'send' on your contact form...

Only 30% of conversion is down to design.

The other 70%? It's your copy.

(Data from an Unbounce survey of 36,000 pages)

And that's GREAT news for you. Because now, you can let your competitors spend hours fiddling with irrelevant Squarespace templates and hex colours. While you create a website full of empathy and data-driven copy. That gives your ideal clients that elusive 'they're perfect for me' feeling.

Hey...I'm Alice Cuninghame.

I'm a lead gen strategist & conversion copywriter.

And the thing I love most is helping ambitious online biz owners create copy that drives growth (even on near-zero marketing budget).

Waaay back in 2009, I wrote a badly-paid blog about bad breath.

I wasn't going to do that twice, so I upskilled. Learned what good persuasive copywriting really is. And how it's not about icky salesy stuff or manipulation, but strategic selling based on empathy and data.

I was hooked, and invested £££ in high-level copywriting training. Landed some pretty nice, big corporate clients.

And some well-funded smaller businesses. Which taught me first-hand how those who can drop £5k on copy without blinking have an unfair advantage over their skint but ambitious peers.

Unless they can learn copywriting for themselves. Because while learning copy skills isn't easy, when you're doing it for your own business that you love, it's possible. Even if you think you can't write.

You just need a structure to work from. Because, guess what? No pro copywriter worth the name ever starts from a blank page. And you don't have to either....

Website copywriting template from Alice Cuninghame, conversion copywriter, The Copy Boost

“A really good copywriter”

“Alice is a really good copywriter…skilful and very easy to work with. Her copy works, and our workshops are always quickly booked.

I’ve recommended her to a number of colleagues..and will continue to do so.”

Sarah Springford, CEO, Brighton Chamber of Commerce

"An expert in her field"

Alice is not only exceptionally talented and an expert in her field she is also a skilled creator of valuable courses and has a natural way of delivering her teachings.

She is intuitive, genuinely passionate about getting the best results for her clients and is very generous with her time.

Her expertise is to be commended and I cannot recommend her work and her integrity highly enough.

Jo Child, Founder, Co-Women

"Highly recommended"

“Alice regularly produces the templates behind our most exceptional campaign performances.

She quickly understands our exact and unique client scenarios and finds the language to drive great response rates, every time.

Highly recommended!"

Ryan Welmans, CEO, SoPro

Get your FREE website copy template

You'll be able to write your homepage in a day, working step-by-step.

Using pro copywriter secrets to get over confidence blocks.

And find the strategic message that sells for you...without being salesy.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • How to join the conversation happening in your prospects' heads the second they land on your page. Giving them an instant 'aha' moment.

  • Easy formulas to create simple but irresistible headlines. That get people interested and reading on, and on...

  • The non-manipulative way to demonstrate the amazing outcomes you provide (most don't bother with this, so you'll be a step ahead with just this one section)

  • Where, why and how to add testimonials and other social proof to reassure your prospects that they're making the perfect choice.

  • Why the best call-to-action might not be the one you think. And how to match CTAs to your prospects' mood.

  • Real-world examples at every step. So you'll never get bogged down in theory or marketing jargon.

  • How to make it your own. The template is your structure, but you can merge, rearrange or expand different sections to make it work for your exact audience.

Questions, or problems signing up? Email [email protected]

Take a sneak peak inside

For each of the 6 steps, you'll see exactly:

  • Why it's important. No 'just do what I say' energy here

  • Detailed explanations for every headline and paragraph you'll need, so you're never left confused.

  • This 14-page PDF template with all the juicy bits

  • PLUS a super-simple, 2-page Google docs template that you can use to actually write your copy.

  • You'll see it develop visually, in a way that makes sense. Ready to drop straight into

    your site.

Plus, when you download, you get a direct line to my inbox.

Where I'll happily answer your copy questions any time you need...

If this is so good, why aren't you charging for it?

I can't see the point in providing lightweight free stuff that doesn't help you move forward in your business. I might make it part of a paid product at some point, with a few extras. But as long as people find it useful, I'll keep this free.

Will this help me get more traffic?

On its own, no. SEO is a whole other thing. But what you should find is that, once you have copy that matches the things your ideal clients are thinking, your traffic naturally increases. As your copy matches the words your clients are likely to search for.

What pages will this help me write?

This is designed to help you write your home page. You'll also need a services page (where people can compare and book your services), an about page and a contact page. I don't have templates for those yet, but if you download this one, you'll get on my list and be the first to know if I do.

I have an ecommerce business. Will this work for me too?

This is designed for service-based businesses like consultants and coaches. So I wouldn't follow it exactly, ecommerce does need a different approach. But you'd probably still learn some useful stuff, so you might as well download. It's free, after all.

I don't have a website yet. Can I still use this?

Absolutely! In fact, it might be easier for you, as you won't get bogged down in what to keep and what to reuse.

Can I use this along with AI to help me write my copy?

Yes! I wouldn't recommend ever using unedited AI copy. But you can absolutely use the info here to create great prompts that'll give you something to work with.

I reallllyyy am not a great writer. Will this help me?

I bet you're better than you think. But that aside, yes! Most of the time, when people say they struggle to write, it's because they 're working without a plan, goal or guidance. This template gives you all three. And it's completely step-by-step.

Create a website that sells

in 6 straightforward steps

"A brilliant copywriter"

"Alice is a brilliant copywriter – she hits the nail on the head every time! Always brilliant to work with, can’t recommend her enough."

Carrie Smith, Marketing Manager

"Real clarity"

"I found my session with Alice incredibly productive, her expertise and knowledge provided real clarity for me because I am a total novice to writing web content. I felt much more confident and focused after our session. Thanks Alice!"

Fiona Kidney, Infant Sleep Coach


"What a fabulous hour with Alice. She was so detailed and addressed great points for web copy.

I highly recommend her thanks again."

Melissa Alves, Confidence Coach